MVL's quiz 1. In what year did he become a GM ? 2003 2004 2005 2006 Aucun 2. Before becoming a professional, Maxime studied 3 years: painting math psychology chemistry Aucun 3. How many moves did his longest classical game last ? 121 125 126 139 Aucun 4. How many world championship titles has Maxime won? 1 2 3 4 Aucun 5. Which of these champions has he never played against in an official game? Spassky Karpov Kasparov Polgar Aucun 6. Maxime's favorite opening against 1.e4 is : 1...e5 1...c5 1...d5 1...Nf6 Aucun 7. Following his title of World Blitz Champion, Maxime had to dye his hair in: pink green blue orange Aucun 8. Which French soccer club does he support? Marseille Lyon PSG Caen Aucun 9. Which chess club has he never been a member of? Clichy Asnières Bakou Paris Caïssa Aucun 10. With a peak Elo of 2819.3, what is his "all-time best" ranking? 6th 9th 10th 15th Aucun Time's up