
Smooth resumption

Since the World Blitz and Rapid Championships at the end of 2022, there have been no classical tournaments for the ...
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2023 !

Looking ahead to 2023!

2022 ended with several competitions that I had not yet returned to. This year which begins offers me the opportunity ...
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MVL et Etienne Bacrot

Cycle change

Etienne Bacrot and I stopped our collaboration a few months ago... A collaboration that had started more than seven years ...
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Mvl mène la discussion pendant la cérémonie d’ouverture (Photo : St-Louis Chess Club).

Ups and Downs

Not all tournaments are alike, and the end of the Grand Chess Tour 2022 in the USA was not up ...
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Participants GCT Zagreb

Magnus and the two Frenchmen

On the weekend of July 9-10, I made an express visit to Bremen for the end of the Bundesliga. Although ...
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Norway chess

Quite a busy month

Here I am again after a sequence of Norway Chess, the French Team Championships in Chartres, a 48h trip to ...
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