
Paris Grand Chess Tour

Grand Chess Tour caravan in Paris !

After a first stage in Leuven (Belgium), the 2018 Grand Chess Tour caravan stopped in Paris, Canal + studios, for ...
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Les joueurs sur le balcon de l’Hôtel de Ville (photo Grand Chess Tour).

Leuven 2018, a mind-blowing finish !

I arrived in Leuven after a quick stop in Paris, on my way back from Norway Chess. I was eager ...
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Norway chess 2018

And at the end, Caruana wins !

After three draws in the first rounds, another challenge was awaiting me during the first rest day. Indeed, after farm ...
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Hello again, Stavanger !

With these words, and a picture taken from the plane about to land, Maxime announced on Twitter his arrival at ...
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Bundesliga 2018

Baden-Baden again!

The Bundesliga regular season had ended on May 1st with a tie between my team of Baden-Baden and Solingen. The ...
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MVL inspires them !

L’Express is one of the biggest french magazines. Incidentally, it celebrates its birthday this very week. As soon as november ...
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